Dear family & friends,

stanley2007I’m so happy you’ve come to my website to see how I’ve grown! I’m 3 years old and you’d never know I have Cystic Fibrosis. I’m so happy, strong and have so much to live for! I’m very thankful to have my family, friends & doctors and be blessed with a beautiful little baby sister, Skylar-Rose. She helps me alot when I’m pooped or feeling yucky. Together, we will beat this disease…

If you don’t know much about my disease- that’s ok, cause not many people do. You see, I can’t digest my food properly and I get this thick gooey mucus stuck to my lungs. Everytime I eat, I need to take enzymes with my food. Mommy and Daddy call it my sauce. I also need to do treatments (which I call my workout) every morning and night with my Mommy and Daddy. During my workout, I place a little mask on my face that blows out my medicine. I also wear this really cool vibrating vest. It’s so great cause my vest shakes up all the junk in my chest and loosens the goo. It takes about 45 minutes to workout but my baby sister sits next to me and makes me feel so much better!

It’s a really good thing I’m able to take my sauce and do my workout! If I didn’t, I’d get a really bad bellyache and have a lot of yucky stuff stuck to my lungs. More importantly, thanks to people like you supporting my disease, my life expectancy has increased to the mid 30’s!

My Mommy, Daddy & baby Skylar try to raise tons of awareness about my disease and you can help too! Come walk with our family & friends at the NYC Great Strides Walk in Battery Park City on Saturday, May 19th. Just click here to ‘Come walk with us’. And if you want to see just how incredible last years NYC Cystic Fibrosis event was, check out my video here. It was such an amazing day with family & friends on the Hudson!

If you can’t join us, please circulate my web to your friends or click here to ‘Donate’. My Mommy says that more than $.91 out of every dollar given will be used towards all the important programs for the CF Foundation. For more info on my cool vest, the miracle PGD or CF in general (us kids call it 65 Roses), please check out the rest of my web. You can also read about me in the Big Apple Parent and my buddy Carl’s paper, the Tribeca Trib. And if you’re in Times Square, be sure to come see me on the Toys R Us billboard!

I’d really love to have the chance of living a longer life. And with your support, I might just live as long as you!

Thanks for helping me grow with my baby sister and add more tomorrows ….

Big hugs and many kisses,


Stanley Richard from NYC (and Skylar-Rose too!)