January / 2011

Hello everyone!

stanley2011So much to say! So much to do! Where do I begin? Living the fast life of a 1st grader sure does keep me busy, busy, busy (and mommy too)! I’m enjoying every minute of it and loving my new ‘best’ baby (ever) and of course best sister Skylar-Rose. I just can’t get enough of them…

My day starts out the same every morning. As soon as I wake up, I squeeze my big baby and give him a gi-gundo kiss (literally). I then quickly throw on my vibrating vest and do my 45 minute workout and breathing therapy. My vest is so cool- it really helps me break up the mucus in my lungs and start my day off right! After I eat a super healthy breakfast, take my sauce (pancreatic enzymes), multivitamins, extra A,D,K vitamins, fish oils & greens drink, I’m off to school with my sister. Just like any growing 7 year old, it’s super important to eat super healthy! Especially for me since my body can’t take in the vitamins and nutrients.

During the day I always have to remember to be super good about my health. Like staying away from germs, washing my hands (ALWAYS) and remembering to take my sauce (meds) every single time I eat anything. I sure am a typical boy (LOVE my Star Wars and Legos!!), but I have to be extra careful about not catching a cough or a cold so my lungs don’t get sick. If I get sick, my lungs could scar and then the scars won’t go away….

CF is a tricky thing for me but we do a lot of great stuff with it! Like the ‘walk party’ that happens every May. It’s so much fun cause I get to see my buddies Lonnie, Boomer and all the wonderful people, family & friends who help out with CF. You can come too- May 22nd! Save the Date! So far my walk team, Stanley’s City Slickers, raised $400 thousand dollars for CF! Way super cool!

I might have CF, but you know what? I am happy and I have YOU!…

Love and hugs always,


xoxo Stanley