Our Mission
The mission of the Stanley Richard Foundation is to enhance the quality of life and empower those affected by Cystic Fibrosis, through generating compelling awareness, hope and financial support for research & treatment to cure CF.
About Our Foundation
The original ‘I Love Stanley’ website was officially launched in 2004 to generate the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis, for Stanley and the 30,000 others suffering with CF. For the past 19 years, Stanley and the Zolek family & friends have tirelessly been working towards giving those with CF, the opportunity to a better quality of life and ultimately a cure for CF!
Immediately following Stanley’s birth when it was confirmed he had CF, the Zolek family jumped in to be the change. They quickly became involved with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and led the CFF Great Strides walk for the NYC area. After revamping the walk program and moving the location to its now flagship location in downtown NYC, the family Chaired the program for 5 years then became the Family Ambassador of the program for the next few years. Stanley generated a massive amount of awareness for the program through billboards in Times Square, wild posting’s throughout the city and speaking appearances with CBS on Good Morning America. Stanley has been the poster child over the course of 15 years and has appeared in multiple PSA’s with Lonnie Quinn and Boomer Esiason, creating a massive impact for CF.
In 2018, the Stanley Richard Foundation was officially launched to further enhance the quality of life and empower those affected by Cystic Fibrosis. A year later, Stanley was one of the first adolescents, ages 11-17, fortunate to participate in the Vertex clinical trial, known today as Trikafta. His involvement in the study has proved to be a game-changer for him and others since his first dose. Stanley is currently still participating in the post phase of this groundbreaking clinical study and continues to be the voice for many researchers.
Stanley and his family have been a source of hope and connection for many families throughout the nation and have personally raised over $1.4 million dollars for Cystic Fibrosis through their awareness campaigns, advocacy efforts, Breathe White for Cystic Fibrosis gala and the CFF Great Strides walk program.
The Stanley Richard Foundation is overly grateful for the advancements in the medical community and the support of CF family & friends, doctors, as well as CBS and Renaissance the Studio.