My Wish…

Ever since I was a kid, my wish was to blow away CF. I have experienced tremendous milestones since then from being a poster child for CF, to PSA’s with Boomer & Lonnie on CBS News, to one of the first adolescents to kickoff the clinical trial for the life saving drug Trikafta. The study took 4 years for me to participate in, but it literally saved my life and has been my game changer.
Today, more than 15 years later from my billboard in Times Square, I now have the opportunity to look beyond my wish as a kid. Thanks to the groundbreaking drug, Trikafta, the medical community, the CFF and of course my family and friends, my dream has become a reality.
Today, I think about living a full life that is manageable with CF. I can focus on college, working, getting married and even having kids of my own one day. I have trail-blazed the path to where I am now and will continue to be the agent of change for myself and my community.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past 20 years and made this all possible…